Welcome to Progressive Health

Progressive Health is dedicated to optimizing healthcare systems through integrative health and wellness, which includes conventional and complementary approaches to health and healing.

The most successful companies know that employee wellbeing is not a “nice to have.” It is a foundational layer of high-performing workforces everywhere and a key factor in a long list of business outcomes, including healthcare costs, productivity, retention, safety, absenteeism, collaboration and company culture. Our employee resilience system reduces burnout by improving morale, promoting safety, and inspiring self-care so healthcare workers can succeed. We offer resilience education, health coaching, and access to integrative heath therapies including acupuncture and massage – integrative strategies for a well workforce.



In traditional Chinese medicine, Qi is an energy that flows through the body along fourteen different channels. Very tiny, hair-fine acupuncture needles are inserted into specific points along the channels to stimulate Qi. The needles are usually kept in the skin for less than thirty minutes.


Smell is one of the most important human senses. Smell has a direct correlation to the limbic system in our brain, where emotions and memories are stored. Harnessing the power of smell via aromatherapy has emotional, psychological, and physical benefits.


One-size-fits all just doesn’t work when it comes to diet and nutrition. Too often, we are told what not to do, instead of getting good information on what we can do. Our Master Nutritionist is here to help you discover what will work for you. Here are just a few of the ways we can help you optimize your health:


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